Life story
"Our beloved Wife and Mother Kathleen Ann Van Dusen Riolo has passed to her soul family on December 28, 2024. Augustine, her husband of 56 years, was at her side on her passing.
Kathy was born of Ralph and Ruth Van Dusen and raised in Vestal, New York, graduating in 1964 from Vestal Central High School, and thereafter began her driving passions of high fashion, home decorating and European art that she pursued throughout her life. From Elizabeth Arden in Washington, to Burts of Endicott, she was dedicated to participating in the history and trends of fashion and design. She was an avid reader devouring both a broad range of books and fashion/design magazines every day. A Francophile at heart, she extensively traveled Europe, especially Paris and Rome, visited every major European museum and enjoyed the culture of her broad European ancestry. Her palate was decisively French/Italian in food and wine. In all her endeavors, her highest calling was as a devoted Mother/Matriarch to her Family.
She is survived by her Husband Augustine, Daughter Angela and Grandson Anthony of Fredericksburg, VA. Her Siblings Mary Ann Van Dusen Coughlin of Johnson City, NY, Nancy Van Dusen Domoff of New Milford, CT, Dennis Van Dusen of Scottsdale, AZ and numerous Nieces and Nephews, all of whom she loved and impacted throughout her life."
Services will be announced at a later date.
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